Love Letters
Vaheguru!! Vaheguru!! Vaheguru!!
When I think of love for my Guru, I think of the love between Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji and Sri Guru Ram Das Ji. Shabad Hazaaray is that Bani in which Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji describes the longing for his beloved, Sri Guru Ram Das Ji. I was browsing a few websites one day and came across the one which explains the meaning and storyline behind the Bani so beautifully.
It reminded me of the time I was not so much into Sikhi and was sitting in our weekly SSA Paath Sessions during Valentine’s Day. In the western world, Valentine’s day is a day for lovers, a day for romance, a day to spend with your boyfriend perhaps. I took my boyfriend at the time to our Paath Session since numerous emails were sent out by individuals stating that this week’s session will be discussing “love letters”. Everyone was curious what the SSA Execs were thinking, and why they want to discuss “love letters”. (I have to say, this was a great promotion technique, because there was a great turnout of Sikhs even from surounding Universities)
The discussion started with one individual giving us a background Sakhi of how Guru Arjan Dev Ji sent three letters to Guru Ram Das Ji and then upon meeting with his beloved compiled the last verses of the Shabad Hazaray. Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s love, and the longing he felt when he was separated from his beloved, should be the aim of every Sikh.
We spend time with our 'significant others' on this day and go all out by showing them we care about them, be it buying them presents, taking them to a romantic dinner, etc. But what about Guru Ji? The one who gave us all we have ... we don't even take out one day to remember him and show him how much we care by becoming his beloved Sikhs.
Just by reading the first few tukhs in Shabad Haazaray ... roughly translated ... "My mind longs for the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan ... It cries out like the thirsty song-bird ... My thirst is not quenched, and I can find no peace, without the Blessed Vision of the Beloved Saint. 1" ... This tukh starts off by explaining the longing, the pain, the suffering Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji went through while separated from his beloved Guru ... his father Sri Guru Ram Das Ji. The notion of being a sacrifice to his beloved ... Vaheguru!! All Gursikhs need that same love to be willing to do anything for our Guru!!
Vaheguru!! Vaheguru!! Vaheguru!!
Anonymous Guru Di Pyaari
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