WesternSSA's End of Year Langar
Below is a description of Western University's
Annual End of Year Langar
Annual End of Year Langar
@ London Gurughar
Let us all GO and SHOW our LOVE AND SUPPORT
to our POOR brothers and sisters
who UNFORTUNATELY have to study at a University such as WESTERN ...
(Note: That was a Joke... we have mad amounts of RESPECT for the Western SSA peeps
and the hard work and loads of effort they put into each event
and WELCOME us with such LOVE each time )
Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!
Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
On Sunday March 26th, 2006, The Western Sikh Students' Association will be holding its
Annual End of Year Langar at London Gurdwara.
We would like to invite all students from abroad and united University SSA's to come and join us.
The End of Year Langar will be taking place during regular Sunday Diwan and we as studetns will merely be doing the seva of preparing Langar and doing Keertan.
Due to the limited time allotted to us for Keertan, we ask that all those wanting to participate, let us know by Friday with an estimated amount of time required.
The reason for this is so that we can make accommodations to stay within scheduled times that have been provided to us by the London Sikh Society for Sunday Diwan.
We would also like to remind everyone that WesternSSA Shirts and Rainsbhayee CD's
will be available for purchase or pick-up.
Please view the attached flyer for more details.
Yours Truly,
Your SevadaarsWesternSSA Exec
Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!
Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
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